Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Nintendiots and the death of discussion in Internet forums

Nintendo has turned, like Star Wars or Disney itself, into a cult. All megapopular shallow forms of entertainment eventually do. It's shallow, derivative and empty of any real message for everyone to see and thus all loonies who depend on it to fill their existential void fight for it like fierce crusaders spreading their faith upon the dead bodies of their enemies and detractors.

I'm one of these corpses, piling atop how many others?  How much criticism have these rabid faithful cultists wiped and hid beneath the carpet?  Along the internet years I've used accounts such as nemesis, namekuseijin, fotorama, Erik and a bunch of others in forums such as Metroid Database, Eidolons Inn, slashdot, Reddit, Uol, outerspace and consistently I've been banned or shut down in a way or another - do these people even know what a forum is for?

And all for stating the obvious: Nintendo makes the same kiddy games since the 80s over and over and their consoles are crappy obsolete hardware running only old games and retro indies. Somehow, stating simple, direct observation facts is enough to grant you a ban.  It's like stating the king is naked or God is nowhere to be found.

Discussion is dead nowadays, you can't get intelligent, reasonable discussion with arguments anywhere in the Internet these days. Current human race representatives are barely more interesting to try to hold a conversation with than a potato. It's all about dumbly pointing fingers up or down at people pointing fingers. Congrats, Fakebook.

This is why I'm resorting to my soliloquies at a blog again. This and dialoguing with long dead book authors in their old pages is the only way to get any kind of interesting discussion in a world ridden by blind cultists busy with their gatekeeping.


Dead Cells is a metroidvania rogue-like with melee swordfighting combat akin to Dark Souls - which is the only metroidvania millennials know and they like it not for the exploration of expansive organic maps, but for being punished over and over by giant bosses. That is to say, they rush through the whole level without paying attention to minor enemies or the ingenious level design just to reach bosses and get their sorry masochistic asses kicked.  This is how Dead Cells plays, except for the lack of any ingenious level layout.

It's just an uninspired procedurally-generated level with familiar elements repeated over.  You'll die a lot and see these same elements in different order as the maps change.  The maps are irrelevant, unlike in true metroidvanias and even in Dark Souls: you can just run in a direction and you'll hardly hit any dead ends or secret passages, more likely the end of the level.

Visually it's beautiful, though I don't understand the need for pixel "art" to somehow try to legitimize this as a game worthy of the classics - hardly any of these millennial games going for the "art" ( or should I say limitation?) of the classics go for the kind of hard gameplay of the oldies.  Though this one is harder than usual, probably due to the challenge to rush through the level with little regard to your health and safety. You'll get tons of innocuous upgrades for all your diligent rogue dying. The more upgrades, the longer you can endure rushing through irrelevant level layout filled with ever more of the same simple foes...

Frankly, it feels more like an irrelevant mobile infinite runner than a classic metroidvania. It's sad